Monday, October 12, 2009


So I'm am trying out this new little series entitled "Shout Out". Basically, there are things throughout the day that remind me of people, or I want to quickly say to someone and this is where I am going to do it. Things that will get you shout outs: Birthdays (Sorry for those I have already missed and for those I am going to miss in the future), Letters to me (always a good way to get on my good side), care packages (even better than a letter) or anything that reminds me of you during my daily routine. So to start, SHOUT OUT to my one and only sister.
First of all, you have left the most comments on my blog which I love reading (take a note, people). I love reading your blog despite the fact it's much harder for you to update. Also, I just got your postcard!!! Thank you so much for the card and you know we are drinking plenty of sangria. Finally, props for bungee jumping off FREAKIN' VICTORIA FALLS!!!! I couldn't imagine. That had to be the most terrifying thing to do. Hopefully you waited to tell mom til after you were done, hahahaha. Anywho, love ya sis and I hope you are still imparting all of your wisdom to your children (whether it be arithmetic or Beyoncé), hahaha

1 comment:

  1. At least you get to hear from your sister. she forgot about me!

    We need more pictures.
