Once again, our bodies needed a little time to recover after our crazy night, so we didn't get Sunday started 'til around 11 a.m. But we definitely started it off on the right foot. After "El Correfoc", we didn't think we would see anything else as cool, but The Human Towers proved us wrong. Just as it sounds, these group of gymnasts stack one on top of another to create a massive tower of people. The event started with some pyramid building with about 15 people along the base. But that was just a warm-up. The highlight of the event was the tower-building. These gymnasts were capable of creating a tower 9 people high! The craziest part was the fact the last couple of people were about 6 years old. So, you have these children about 40 feet in the air. It was unbelievable and terrifying to watch. One false step, and the whole tower would topple. After lunch, Andrew, Ben and I went to El Parque de Montjuic where the Olympic Stadium from 1992 is. This park, elevated above the city, gave us a different view of the city and Mediterranean. After we finished walking through this park, we met up with the girls at the beach for the third time. After the beach, Tori, Andrew, Ben and I did our last sight-seeing at the Arc de Triomphe (not the one in Paris, of course). By this point of the weekend, we were all extremely tired and weren't looking forward to another restless night on the train. We checked out of our hostel and headed to the train station to head back to "reality".

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